Content Writer


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Job details

Site Internet :
Secteur d´activité :

Informatique, SSII, Internet Offres d´emploi :

Description de l'entreprise We start, operate and grow long-lasting internet businesses.What drives us at EarlyNode?We build remote-first companies focused on creating more...

Détails de l'annonce

Poste proposé : Content Writer - B2B - Saas − 100% Remote


- Write search-engine-optimized blog articles about SaaS, especially about product-led growth and product management.
- Include appropriate tags and links to other articles
- Proofread your texts with special attention to spelling, grammar, punctuation and sentence structure
- Prevent duplicate content by running your texts through a plagiarism checker
- Publish your articles via WordPress Profil recherché pour le poste : Content Writer - B2B - Saas − 100% Remote

- Must have at least 2 years of experience writing blog articles for companies in the software industry
- Excellent English spelling and grammar, with a proven ability to tweak style and tone
- Interested in working independently in an international, remote-only team
- Provide a portfolio of texts you have written
- You'll have more fun in this role if you're already interested in SaaS and surrounding topics − but not a must Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Content Writer - B2B - Saas − 100% Remote Métier :

Marketing, communication
Secteur d´activité :

Informatique, SSII, Internet
Type de contrat :

CDI - CDD - Freelance
Région :

Bubanza - Bujumbura - Bururi - Cankuzo - Cibitoke - Gitega - Karuzi - Kayanza - Kirundo - Makamba - Muramvya - Muyinga - Mwaro - Ngozi - Rumonge - Rutana - Ruyigi - International
Niveau d'expérience :

Expérience entre 2 ans et 5 ans
Niveau d'études :

Nombre de poste(s) : 5

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