Finnish speakers Sales negotiator!


Job location


Job details

Have you ever considered working abroad?

Our 118Finder team is looking for new and enthusiastic people to be our sales negotiator in our Gambian office!

We train you for the job, so there is no need to have previous experience.

Working days are 7am, Mon-Fri lively evenings and weekends are free!

You can also work from home if it is more comfortable for you.

All you need is a computer, headphones and a working internet connection!

What we except from you?

– Energetic and effective work motivation

– Fluent in Finnish

– Good interaction skills

– Self-initiative

– Ability to work independently as well as in a team

– Fast writing skills

We offer you:

– 7-hour weekdays from 08:00 to 15:00

– Comprehensive product and sales training

– Awesome and enthusiastic work team

– Cozy work environment

If you are interested or want more information please email us

Whatsapp +220 506 2347

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