Finance Project Controller

CV People Africa (Zimbabwe)

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Job details

An International Development Organisation closely linked to one of the Embassies is looking for a Project Finance Controller. The Project Finance Controller will be responsible for controlling and monitoring of the organisation’s projects from a financial point of view.

Experience5 Years
Education LevelDegree
QualificationsBCom / M. Com / MBA / CPA / ACCA
SoftwareAdvanced MS Office / Familiarity of working with computer based financial systems
Knowledge OfStrong financial background - 2 years with a reputable Audit Firm / Project-Controlling
Skills ToStrong analytical skills / Conduct training for finance and non-finance SDC/partner staff
Ability ToUse planning and controlling tools / Work independently and as a part of a team / Meet deadlines while remaining organised and accurate
Other RequirementsWork experience in development sector or an international non-profit organisation would be an advantage

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