Android Developer

DCodax Technologies

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Job details

Job Summary:

Our company is seeking an experienced Android Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate is passionate about creating elegant, efficient, and user-friendly mobile applications for the Android platform. As an Android Developer, you will be responsible for designing, developing, and testing mobile applications while ensuring adherence to quality standards and project timelines.

Key Responsibilities:
• Deliver development tasks in compliance with quality standards
• Deliver solutions based on requirements and project timelines
• Demonstrate discipline and punctuality in completing tasks
• Collaborate with team members and work effectively in a team-oriented environment
• Gather functional requirements and translate them into elegant solutions
• Contribute innovative ideas to enhance overall app experience
• Design and build advanced applications for Android platform
• Integrate external data sources and APIs
• Ensure the high performance, quality, and responsiveness of mobile applications

• At least 2 years of experience in native Android development using Java and Kotlin
• A deep understanding of the Android SDK, Room Database, RxJava/RxAndroid
• Working knowledge of Android Jetpack, architecture components, and dependency injection libraries (e.g. Dagger and HILT)
• Experience with cross-platform technologies (Flutter, React Native, etc.) is a plus
• Good understanding of MVC, MVP & MVVM patterns
• Solid understanding of RESTful applications
• Analytical and conceptual thinking with attention to detail
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
• Ability to prioritize tasks and quickly adapt to changes in a rapidly changing environment
• Salary Rs 60K to Rs 80K

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