IT engineer job in Tokyo

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Japanese conversation level

N2 or N2 equivalent Japanese ability

Welcome language


Work Location

Tokyo Shibuya-ku


IT engineer

Employment status

Full time employee (mid career)

Working hours


Annual income 600 ~ 800

Job Description



Original Text (Japanese)

Qualification requirements


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Welcome requirements


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Treatments and benefits

社会保険完備、交通費全額支給、社員旅行、ノマドWEEK(2週間、会社以外の場所で業務ができます ※在籍1年以上の社員対象)、サイコロボーナス(サイコロを振って、出た目に応じて金一封を支給いたします)、住宅手当(一部対象)、子ども手当、退職金制度、スクール補助、書籍購入補

Original Text (Japanese)



Original Text (Japanese)

Publisher ワークポート 1 year ago

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