Political Campaign Manager


Lieu de travail

Western Springs, IL, USA

Type d'emploi

à plein temps

Détails du poste

Position summary: The Campaign Manager will be responsible for overseeing all aspects of the campaign, including get-out-the-vote efforts, mail-in voting initiatives, superPAC management, eCanvasser coordination, absentee ballot initiatives, campaign finance law compliance, day-to-day campaign office management, voter database management, research, and ensuring smooth election day operations. The candidate should have a Bachelor's degree in Political Science, Law, or related field, and prior experience in political campaigns or related work. Proficiency with political campaign software and voter database management, knowledge of election law and regulations, ✅ familiarity with social media and digital marketing, and experience with direct debit and advance work are preferred. The candidate should have a passion for American democracy and promoting civic engagement.

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