Software Engineer

4 Forwarder Software

Lokasi pekerjaan

Addis Ababa

Status Pekerjaan

Waktu penuh

Detail Pekerjaan

I am looking for a freelancer or full time core php, css, html, laravel, angular and any programing laguage develper who has more than two years relevant experiance , In addation any one fresh graduate also welcome who have worked any web based projects before. But any applicants should have his own previous project that can be seen and actively working with evidence. Candidates must be living in Addis Ababa or other Ethiopian cities. We encourage also any one who have innovate idea working together.
Educational background: Computrer Sceince, any IT related
Number of professionals : 4
Gender: Male or Female
Working place : Addis Ababa office around Mexico kkr building
Salary: Negotiation
Contact me trough send us your valid documents.
Application dead line: March 31 2023 Intersted applicants can send your cv by the above email and will contact you soon.
Any one who is intersted can be invited to join our startup company .

Applicants who apply before will have a chance to get first opportunities.

Good luck

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