Jobs in Senior Civil Judge North Waziristan

Senior Civil Judge North Waziristan

Lokasi pekerjaan

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Status Pekerjaan

Waktu penuh

Detail Pekerjaan

There is a good news for you especially people of KPK must follow this post. Jobs in Senior Civil Judge North Waziristan are available for you right now. Stay with us for further details. Senior Civil Judge North Waziristan KPK (Government of KPK) invites applications from the eligible candidates having local domicile of district north Waziristan in order to fill up the following jobs/ vacancies. 1- PIADA, 2- NAIB QASID, 3- SWEEPER.

Now let’s talk about the process of how to apply. Complete job description is provided to you in the job advertisement below at the end of the post. You just only need is to follow the instructions provided in it and submit your complete applications along with necessary documents and credentials before the expected closing date of 27 May 2023. Remember! the department selection committee has a right to cancel one or all post as well.

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