
Jobs Near Me


Damietta Governorate

구인 상세

Nanny Jobs Near Me in Az Zarqa, Dumyat

We are looking for a Nanny to join our team and provide excellent childcare to our clients’ families.
What do Nannies do?

As a Nanny, you’ll take care of children, keep them safe and clean, plan meals for them and organize creative and educational activities based on their age. Occasionally, you’ll need to pick them up from school or other extracurricular activities.

If you love working – and playing – with children and, also feel comfortable handling the less appealing tasks, such as changing diapers and tidying up children’s rooms, we’d like to meet you.

Ultimately, you’ll reassure parents that, even when they’re not around, their children remain in a safe and pleasant environment.
• Organize creative activities and educational games (e.g. drawing, crafting and puppet games)
• Prepare children’s meals and feed them (including bottle-feeding for babies)
• Change diapers and bathe infants
• Help older children wash up and take baths
• Schedule nap times
• Teach children appropriate social behaviors, such as being respectful to each other and helping out with chores
• Transport children to and from school and extracurricular activities
• Tidy up play areas and children’s rooms
• Assist young students with homework
• Ensure children’s safety during indoors and outdoors activities
• Take care of children in case of injury or illness
• Perform housekeeping tasks as needed
• Work with parents to ensure children’s growth and social development
• Previous experience as a Nanny or Babysitter
• Excellent understanding of child development in different age stages
• Ability to come up with creative ideas to educate and engage children
• Multitasking skills
• A pleasant and patient personality
• Availability to work in shifts, during weekends, in the evenings and occasionally full days
• A clean driving license
• High school diploma; further training in child development is a plus
• First aid certification is a plus

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