Store keeper

Dreamliner Hotel


Addis Ababa

고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

Dreamliner Hotel is one of the leading four-star hotels in Addis Ababa, It is recognized for its high standards in facilitating grandiose accommodation, dining services, and other amenities. It is situated at the heart of Addis Ababa, on the Gabon Street around Meskel Flower area, It has 96 different types of rooms and 4 standard conference halls and three onsite restaurant and bars. The hotel offers an exciting choice of stylish dinning venues that provide range of international cuisine and contemporary dishes to suite all tastes at Oak Restaurant, Zaika Indian Restaurant with exceptional flavors, genuine abundance and multiple menus.

Educational Requirements: Requirement/Qualification: At least 4 years for Diploma and 2 years for BA (both in Purchasing & Supplies and in Supply Chain Management). Hotel Experience is mandatory All educational certifications should be from accredited educational institutions. Basic computer knowledge particularly accounting software and other related accounting system, like MS office, Peachtree accounting. Knowledge and experience in the implementation...

Required Experience:
Not Provided

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