Motorbike Drivers

Deliver Addis


Addis Ababa

고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

Universal Courier Service PLC , invites motorbike drivers or those who uses their Own motorbike Required Number: 20 Motorbike Drivers or using their own motorbikes Salary: As per company scale, but for highly job performers will get highly paid. Address: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Our office is found around Lancia, near to Global Hotel, Infront of Mosob Hasbesha Restaurant

Educational Requirements: For company Motorbike users Requirement A motorist with an at least 6 months driving experience Total Months of Experiences At least 6 months drove motorbike in Addis Ababa Who can bring a guarantor from governmental or private companies. Deposit 2500 ETB (Two thousand five hundred Ethiopian Birr) as reservation For using their own motorbike requirements Cod-3 motorbike Motorbike driving license Motorbike driving...

Required Experience:
Not Provided

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