Engineer rechearch in Chemical process

Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique


Béni Mellal-Khenifra

구인 상세

Details de l’offre d’emploi / stage

1. MissionTwo Chemical Engineer positions are needed to work on a research project related to separation in TechCell-LAB at UM6P. The job offer involves performing experiments in the lab, conducting literature review, writing reports and proposals and discussing the results to the team members.2. Activités principales

Profil recherché

3. Main skills


Besoin d’autonomie

Besoin d’action


Recherche de nouveauté

Informations complémentaires
• Nombre de postes: 1
• Secteur: AUTRE
• Formation: Master
• Niveau d’experience: Junior
• Fonction: Gestion projet / Etudes / R&D
• Source: rekrute

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