Project Chief Interior junior




고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

Présentation de l’entreprise :

ALTEN DELIVERY CENTER MAROC, Filiale du leader mondial de l’ingénierie et du conseil en technologie créé en 2008 et présent à Fès, Rabat, Tétouan et Casablanca, compte aujourd’hui plus de 2300 consultants et vise un centre d’excellence de 3100 consultants ALTENiens en fin 2024. Avec plus de 90 recrutements par mois, ALTEN Maroc est désormais un acteur majeur de l’insertion professionnelle des ingénieurs. Nous accompagnons nos clients, leaders de l’Industrie dans leurs stratégies de développement dans les domaines de l’automobile, du ferroviaire, de l’IT, de la R&D et des Télécoms & Médias.

Rejoindre ALTEN MAROC c’est bénéficier :

· Des parcours professionnels diversifiés avec des opportunités de carrière, une mobilité interne, sectorielle, géographique et métiers.

· Des formations certifiantes et diplômantes.

· Des événements réguliers pour combiner bien être et performance.

Description du poste

Responsible for the convergence of Quality - Cost – Deadline

- Service on the SOEE scope on a global project within a vehicle program, from the JAP to the transfer to series production.

To this end, he is responsible for achieving the Iqx and QAU, PRF, investment objectives, compliance with the schedule and the application of all SOEE design and development standards

QCDP (Quality Cost Deadline Service) Pilot


He manages the actions to achieve the objectives (new, in use and perceived), the application and compliance with the Business standards, the robustness of the definitions, the convergence of the delegated interfaces, the feasibility of the product/process/CSTP (Convergence Style Technique Service) and the operational safety (SDF) on his scope.


He manages the updating of the PRF/OS framework, the construction and management of the Risk/Opportunity portfolio to achieve the objectives, the adequacy of the workload/resources of his team on a daily basis, compliance with the renewal rate, the CUM and the number of PSE (according to the technical scopes) and compliance with the application of the modular policy.


He manages the updating of the summary schedule in line with the Operational Development Plan (SOD) throughout the Project, the construction and updating of the schedule for the provision of deliverables piece by piece (supplier selection/definitions/first parts, etc.).


He manages the synthesis of his scope to meet the Technical Specifications of the Business and the partners in charge of safety and regulatory services (shocks, visibility, etc. depending on the scope), service provided to the customer (waterproofing, maneuvering, noise, etc. depending on the scope) and appearance (interior and exterior perceived quality, etc. depending on the scope). He manages the digital and physical Integration and Validation Plans (PIV) as well as the achievement of mass objectives.


Bac+5 en mécanique, mécatronique, électromécanique, avec une première expérience en management de projet et conception plasturgie

Informations complémentaires

Compétences requises

Knowledge of the following tools: Office pack: word, excel, PPT…

CATIA V6, Solidworks, PLM

MS Project

Languages: English

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