Kubernetes Operator Developer




고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

Remote EMEA

The world loves Postgres. If you work with developers or data scientists or anyone wrangling data, you’ll probably see a sticker with the tusks and trunk of the Postgres elephant on the lid of a nearby laptop. EDB has a lot to do with that.

We’ve been major contributors to Postgres since the beginning, and we are proud to call thousands of boundary pushing customers our partners. Proud though we are, we are not resting on our laurels. There’s plenty of work to do. The good news is that everything we do will impact Postgres, which is to say that it will impact the world. No pressure.

We are looking for a Go Developer with advanced Kubernetes skills to work in a team focused on Kubernetes and Cloud Native products. Ideal candidates will take pride in writing readable, well-designed and tested software and prefer simple solutions over complex ones.
• *Candidates: This role is 100% remote and we are looking for candidates located in EU and/or U.S.

Your Impact:
• Work in our Cloud Native Core team, designing and developing Kubernetes operators to manage PostgreSQL clusters in public, private, and hybrid cloud environments supporting declarative configuration and immutable infrastructure paradigms. This also includes the open source CloudNativePG operator.
• Be part of a team that owns all phases of the product development life cycle, from conception to delivery to customers, including support if required. Build quality and security directly into the product, by taking advantage of automated testing and CI/CD pipelines.
• Collaborate with engineering teams across the world, mentor and share information with other engineers and help drive continuous improvement for our platform, without losing focus on the flow that generates customers’ value

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