Primary STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) Teacher

Kigali International Community School



구인 상세

Job Description
• Secure, request, and organize materials for STEAM equipment for student projects, demonstrations, and activities.
• Draw on student experiences and interests to develop and implement hands-on creative activities for students kinder to grade 5.
• Collaborate with other teachers to design projects and activities that will build on other learning experiences.
• Develop a STEAM curriculum at grade level.
• Develop STEAM learning activities and hands on material for classes.
• Advanced computer skills, reading skills and ability to solve problems quickly.
• Support core teachers and students in areas of reading and math intervention.
• Manage classroom and student behavior using Love and Logic, PBIS, and Restorative Practices and Justice.
• Participate or lead one extracurricular activity per year.
• Participate or initiate committees or school events.
• Set professional goals and focus on professional development.
• Actively participates in the weekly collaboration calendar meetings, curriculum work, and professional development.
• Other duties as assigned or needed

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