Knowledge Management Specialist




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Poste proposé : Knowledge Management Specialist

Position Summary
Knowledge management and communications are critical to achieving AfricaNenda’s mission. Identification of critical learnings and their development into communication materials will allow AfricaNenda to share learnings and best practices both within the AfricaNenda team as well as with stakeholders and the digital finance cosystem. AfricaNenda is looking for a Knowledge Management Lead (KML) to join its team, reporting to the Director of Communications.
The KML will lead the development of AfricaNenda’s knowledge management strategy and activities. He/She will also lead and identify, extract and produce all learning materials and initiatives under the programme, notably reports, case studies, best practices, lessons learned and support documents... The KML will work closely with teammates to deliver on AfricaNenda’s Communications, Advocacy, Partnership and Capacity Development KML is expected to deliver in English and French.
Key Responsibilities
Knowledge Management and Monitoring
• Lead the development and implementation of a knowledge management strategy to systematically record AfricaNenda’s journey and impact stories.
• Document and share learning – ensure requirements, lessons learned, and best practices for projects, events, and other knowledge management activities are clear and documented.
• Identify best practices and trends in IIPS and capture them through quality knowledge sharing tools, success stories, case studies smart lessons, video testimonial and tutorials…)
• Research, draft, edit and coordinate industry publications (white papers, reports, smart lessons…)
• Contribute to the development of Programme Reports

Result measurement and monitoring:
• Lead monitoring, evaluating, learning, and research plan for the program, including monitoring indicators, managing data collection activities, and analyzing data to measure the results and impact story.
• Develop and support the design and implementation of end-of-project evaluations, surveys and other components of the monitoring and evaluation system.
• Work with team members to ensure that project learnings are applied, and project activities are adapted, for innovative and effective programming.
• Work closely with teams and agencies to ensure credible, best-practice monitoring and reporting of program activities with partners.
Profil recherché pour le poste : Knowledge Management Specialist

Skills and Experience
• Senior expertise, with a minimum 6-8 years of experience working in a knowledge management role that requires identification, development, and dissemination of insights and/or learnings, preferably in a technical sector and in an international environment.
• A Master’s degree in Communications, Journalism, Public Relations, Digital Marketing, Social Sciences, or any other related discipline.
• Experience in Monitoring Evaluation and Learning frameworks as well as impact studies.
• Experience with digital financial services, financial inclusion is an asset, as is experience in monitoring and evaluation, or working with international development organisation on implementation of communication strategies.
• Excellent writing skills in English and French with proven experience in writing for different target audiences.
• Experience in graphic design, video production, web…
• Ability to work remotely, independently and take initiatives, under tight deadlines and in an international environment.
• Ability to handle several projects simultaneously, multi-task and work effectively under pressure and in a proactive manner.
• Proficiency in using Microsoft Office, Teams, Zoom, Adobe Photoshop, Canva, etc.
• Strong copywriting and editing skills.
• Comfortable in a multicultural environment, team player, flexible and able to handle pressure well.
• Ability to work in a remote environment based in Africa.

What we offer.
• To be part of a team of international and talented African experts, a multicultural environment, independence in working, training opportunities, direct contacts with the digital finance ecosystem, and mostly to be part of advancing financial inclusion in Africa.

• Applications are to be sent before February 15th, 2023, with: CV, cover letter, work samples and 3 contact references from previous Provide a summary of the role, what success in the position looks like, and how this role fits into the organization overall. Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Knowledge Management Specialist Métier : Marketing, communicationR&D, gestion de projets Secteur d´activité : Banque, assurance, finances Type de contrat : CDI - CDD Région : Dakar - Diourbel - Fatick - Kaffrine - Kaolack - Kédougou - Kolda - Louga - Matam - Saint-Louis - Sédhiou - Tambacounda - Thiès - Ziguinchor Niveau d'expérience : Expérience entre 5 ans et 10 ans Niveau d'études : Bac+5 et plus Nombre de poste(s) : 1 Soyez vigilant ! N'envoyez pas d'argent à un employeur potentiel. Ne versez aucune somme d'argent en échange d'un contrat de travail potentiel ou pour suivre une formation préalable à l'embauche.
Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi

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