Senior Software Engineer, Grafana Business Applications (Remote, EMEA)




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Poste proposé : Senior Software Engineer, Grafana Business Applications (Remote, EMEA)
• Take an active role in influencing our roadmap and your own career objectives
• Drive projects from initial ideation all the way to operations once it is in the hands of stakeholders
• Embrace our open-source culture and contribute to other projects that may not directly fall within your team’s scope
• Design, build, operate, and maintain our critical systems, owning the reliability, performance, and availability
• Be a part of your team’s on-call rotations and take ownership of the services you’re running
• Mentor and support other team members, participate in design discussions and collaborate with the team
Profil recherché pour le poste : Senior Software Engineer, Grafana Business Applications (Remote, EMEA)

This role and the team are a good fit for you if
• You are comfortable working in a remote-first company; communication is key.
• You are comfortable in a collaborative, friendly, kind and respectful environment.
• You value autonomy and enabling decisions over committees and red tape.
• You work well within a team in an agile setup and you're driven to help oth ers.
• You like to mentor and teach others, especially the junior members of the team.
• Although you can drive your work independently, you also know when to reach out for help.
• You care deeply about user experience and the quality of the products that you work on.
• You have interests in full-stack development and working in DevOps environments.
• You have experience with Javascript/Typescript/NodeJS, React, Go or similar technologies.
• We understand that you may not have experience on all of the above technologies. Please do apply even if you do not match some of the above criteria.

Our hiring process
• Video chat with 1 of our Talent Managers (30 mins)
• Video chat with 1 of our Hiring Managers (45 - 60 mins)
• Live coding session over a real world problem with 2 Engineers (60 mins)
• Project Deep Dive interview to talk about a past project/system you worked/built on (60 mins) Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Senior Software Engineer, Grafana Business Applications (Remote, EMEA) Métier : Informatique, nouvelles technologies Secteur d´activité : Informatique, SSII, Internet Type de contrat : CDD Région : Dakar - Diourbel - Fatick - Kaffrine - Kaolack - Kédougou - Kolda - Louga - Matam - Saint-Louis - Sédhiou - Tambacounda - Thiès - Ziguinchor - International Niveau d'expérience : Expérience entre 2 ans et 5 ans Niveau d'études : Bac+5 et plus Nombre de poste(s) : 9 Soyez vigilant ! N'envoyez pas d'argent à un employeur potentiel. Ne versez aucune somme d'argent en échange d'un contrat de travail potentiel ou pour suivre une formation préalable à l'embauche.
Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi

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