Video Data Selfie Collection in Senegal




고용 형태

파트 타임

구인 상세

Looking for a great way to earn extra cash while you are at home? Help advance AI-powered recognition technology through data collection!

Effective data collection and analysis will allow you to direct scarce resources where they are most needed. This data can then be used in training Artificial Intelligence models to perform various business analytics tasks for responsible, unbiased machine learning.

Help develop artificial intelligence behind facial recognition technologies in a variety of situations and for a variety of nationalities by taking part in the project.

Project Task

Capture 11 short selfie videos on your portable device with different accessories and lighting/environment.
• Short-term earning potential
• Flexible working hours in a work-from-home setup
• Opportunity to participate in various tasks with engaging purposes

Project Requirements
• A consent signed by the minor participant and the parent/guardian
• Able to access web-based tools via Android or iOS phone devices (no desktops or laptops allowed)
• Google Account for the minor participant (Parents / Guardians must create one for their child if they do not have one)
• Birth certificate or Passport for the minor participant (no other government IDs are accepted)
• Strong written and spoken comprehension skills in English and French
• French speaker residing in Senegal

Collecting data is one of the most important steps in developing a robust machine-learning model. Join and be part of this experience.

What to expect when you register:
• Create an Appen Account
• Choose French (Senegal) as your primary language
• Complete your profile and project registration [5 min]
• Study the provided guidelines [at your own pace]
• Agree to confidentiality and ways of working rules

Thank you and we hope to work with you soon!

"Appen has a diverse, inclusive culture that is vital to our mission of helping build better AI. We offer opportunities for individuals of all abilities and backgrounds

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