Afterschool nanny

Kara Durbin


Kirkland, WA, USA

구인 상세

Seeking an afternoon nanny starting in late September or early October. We are located in S. Bothell looking for after-school care and light household support. Guaranteed schedule of 15 hours a week, with an option for additional hours to assist around the house (e.g. grocery shopping, errands, meal prep), assist with the before-school routine, or care for the kids in the evening on occasion, at the nanny's option. Main responsibilities include: Providing a safe and caring environment. Meeting the kids at the house in the afternoon. Potential to drive to nearby after school activities. Preparing a snack, playing and assisting with homework. Light meal prep, kids' laundry and tidying is always appreciated! About us: We are both working parents. One parent may be working from home most days. Our kids are kind, sweet, and fun; they enjoy crafts, playing games, reading and exploring outside. We believe in open communication and a team approach towards taking care of the kids. Hourly rate: $28-30/hr DOE

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