Director, China Maritime Studies Institute

US Naval War College


Maine, USA

고용 형태

파트 타임

구인 상세

The Director, working under the supervision of the Chair of the Strategic and Operational Research Department and managing the Institute's Deputy Director, provides leadership for the Institute's operations, including: sets research priorities; undertakes analytic and academic engagement with, and outreach to Navy, Joint, DoD, and USG leadership; manages joint research projects and translations undertaken by the Institute; publishes a monograph series and other Institute products; maintains a library of more than 120 Chinese-language journals, plus additional books, newspapers, and electronic resources; organizes and hosts conferences, workshops, lectures, and other academic events; fosters active engagement with CMSI-affiliated scholars, officials, military officers, and other counterparts; mentors junior faculty and provides direction for student research; supports other China-related research and teaching activities at the College; manages the time and activities of the Institute's Deputy Director, Military Fellow, Research Associate, and any interns or visiting scholars; and sets the future direction of the Institute.

The Director also maintains and advances a research portfolio and teaching/curricular schedule of his/her own. The Director works closely with the Center and College's leadership to foster and maintain cooperative relationships with other departments, institutes, centers, and programs, and encourages integration across College departments

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