Online English Teacher at NativeCamp



Cape Town

고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

NativeCamp is one of Japan's best and largest online ESL tutoring schools. Our teachers come from all over the world, spreading their knowledge and experience to their students with a completely flexible schedule. Lessons are provided via a unique language platform developed by our company.


(Home-Based job position)

¦ What we offer:
·Work whenever you want (24/7)
·Work from home
·Online support available
·No minimum hours per week required
·Several incentives offered

¦ Requirements:
·Excellent command of the English language as a Native Speaker
·Laptop or PC with webcam
·Headset with microphone
·Stable Internet connection and speed
·Quiet environment and plain background

¦ Application Process:
·English Proficiency Test
·System Check and Demo Lesson
·Start Teaching


The whole application process is done online. Please follow step by step and the system will guide you through the whole process.

If you have any questions please contact us via our website (Contact Us page).

Good luck!

Desired Skills:
• English
• Fluent in English
• Business English
• native

About The Employer:

NativeCamp is one of Japan's best and largest online ESL tutoring schools. Our teachers come from all over the world, spreading their knowledge and experience to their students with a completely flexible schedule. Lessons are provided via a unique language platform developed by our company.

Employer & Job Benefits:
• incentives
• bonuses

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