Shrimp Health Laboratory Assistant

PT Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara


West Sulawesi

구인 상세

Job Description:
- Provide and Improved SOP operational laboratories in the fields
- Collaboration with laboratory analysts to manage laboratories in the pond sites and validate WQ results
- Provide a database of shrimp diseases (body symptoms, hepato and guts) and water dynamic insight correlate with treatment
- Provide water quality and shrimp health weekly reports with deep analysts
- Collaboration with cultivation data analysts to maintain and validate WQ data quality and build cultivation modeling

Job Requirements:
- Aquaculture Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
- 3+ years of experience in a shrimp laboratory (Bonus: PCR analyst)
- Have strong knowledge related to shrimp disease
- Have good communication and ability to drive collaboration between different stakeholders internal FaaS
- Have high mobility and are willing to stay in the pond sit

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