Warehouse Coordinator

PT Multidaya Teknologi Nusantara


West Sulawesi

구인 상세

You will have amazing opportunities to:
- Responsible for receiving, storing, issuing of materials, equipment and other related items in the Warehouse in area and Ability to lift heavy objects
- Responsible for warehouse orders for daily shrimp order fulfillment (by area) according to schedule
- Responsible in stock opname and repacking based on order received or monthly schedule
- Performing warehouse inventory controls and keeping quality standards high at warehouse designated

What you will need to be succeed:
- Have ability in inventory control an warehouses activity based
- Have ability working to specific timelines and tight deadlines
- Good team work, taft, discipline and fast response
- Having knowledge of tools / method for Warehouses and Inventory Control
- Driving C & A license is a must
- Have an high productivity stability
- Good organizational and time management skills

More information

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