Data Ops Analyst - Hyd / Blr

Euclid Innovations


Madhavaram, Telangana

고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

Data Ops Analyst- 4 years to 6 years

Shift: 2 PM to 11 AM

Max Rate card: 1900 for 6+ years of exp

• Work Experience : 4+ years of experience working with Modern Tech stacks such as Snowflake, DBT, Airflow, Redshift. Linux, iOS, Ruby, Python, AWS, Apache, MongoDB, Redshift, Snowflake, Fivetran and API services etc. In this AWS is mandated
• Proficient in advanced operating systems and programming languages to optimize performance using Linux/iOS/JavaScript/Python/Ruby
• Experience working with Business Intelligence Platforms such as Looker, Tableau
• Experience working with data acquisition and transformation tools such as FiveTran and DBT
• Experience working with optimized & efficient Data loader ETL pipelines using Databricks, Snowflake etc.
• Experience working with fully automated workflow scheduling and orchestration services such as Apache Airflow,
• Experience working with any Data Observability/Data Quality platform such as Monte Carlo, Acceldata etc.
• Experience working with AWS stack using container and serverless technologies
• Experience deploying CI/CD pipelines using Github or Jenkins
• Excellent communication skills and ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams
• Strong analytical and technical skills, attention to detail, and problem-solving skills

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