2D animator

MovingStone Digital



고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

Note: This job is in Islamabad (onsite) timings are from 9:30 am to 6 pm. Interested candidates are required to fill out this form after reading the Job Description: https://forms.gle/EmqJ9dCkZQBXWgCS6


Moving Stone Digital is looking for a 2D Animator. Must have a good eye and attention to detail. Need to be comfortable with composition, color, and other artistic theories.

• Conceptualizing ideas for characters, scenes, backgrounds, and other animation elements
• Proficient in After Effects
• Have a good insight into design aesthetics and scene composition.
• Familiar with AE plugins
• Particular and Element 3D and other 3rd party plugins are a plus.
• Should be able to provide distinct creative solutions and visualize a given project in an inventive and imaginative way
• Creating smoothly animated explainer videos based on storyboards
• Creating out-of-the-box logo animations and motion graphics

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