Digital Marketing Executive

HA Technologies (Private) Limited



고용 형태

풀 타임

구인 상세

• Execute tests, collect and analyze data and results, identify trends and insights in order to achieve maximum ROI in paid search campaigns
• Track, report, and analyze brand, company, social media and websites analytics and PPC initiatives or campaigns.
• Perform ongoing keyword discovery, expansion and optimization.
• Research and implement search trending marketing recommendations
• Research and analyze competitor advertising links
• Assisting in the formulation of strategies to build a lasting digital connection with consumers
• Assist in the formulation of strategies to build a lasting digital connection with consumers.
• Plan and monitor the ongoing company presence on social media (Twitter, Facebook etc.)
• Launch optimized online adverts through Google AdWords, Facebook etc. to increase company reach, sales and brand awareness.
• Prepare online newsletters and promotional emails and organize their distribution through various channels
• Provide creative ideas for content marketing and update website
• Collaborate with designers to improve user experience.
• Acquire insight in online marketing trends and keep strategies up-to-date

Must have completed Bachelors degree.

Must have knowledge of real estate digital marketing.
• This is an Islamabad based opportunity

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