part time English teacher in Jhudong Township, Hsinchu



Hsinchu, Hsinchu City

고용 형태

파트 타임

구인 상세

I am looking for a part time English teacher!
💌Here’s the details of the course:

▶Course: Business English
▶Start date: Classes will begin around the middle of August, and continue for 24
weeks. The exact dates can be decided later.
▶Class days: Tuesdays
▶Class time: from 13:00( at least 2 hrs)
▶Address: Jhudong Township, Hsinchu
▶Hourly rate:✨850-1800(depends on the area you live)

• Native speakers are preferred or speakers with neutral English accent.
• Permanent and Marriage ARC or APRC holder is necessary.
•Experience with English business communication, EFL/TESOL/CELTA certificate (at least 120 hours) or having an MBA is preferred.
👉For interested applicants, please send your CV to

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