Looking for a part-time English teacher for next semester

American Eagle Institute


Tainan, East District, Tainan City

고용 형태

파트 타임

구인 상세

American Eagle Institute Tainan Guiren is looking for a part-time English teacher for next semester.
Location: No.261, Minquan N. RD., Guiren Dist., Tainan City
Teaching hours: 10-16 hrs / week.
Salary: NT$650-780/ hr . Native speakers only.
Starting: August 30.
• Beautiful and fully equipped classrooms
• A well-structured curriculum
• Low teacher to student ratio Requirements
ARC, work permit, and health insurance are provided. If you are interested, please sent me (T.Maggie) your CV to guiren.tn@eagletw.com Thank you!

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