후쿠오카현에서 기타 구인

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일본어 회화 레벨

N1 이상, 또는 N1 상당의 일본어 능력이 있음.


후쿠오카현 오무타시



고용 형태

정사원(중도 채용)


업무 내용

Required Experience regarding the job
Experiences and knowledge about Engineering and maintenance like machine electricity controlling and measuring equipment.
Purpose of the Job
Management of all production related facility machine and equipment including infrastructure
Job Tasks
Regular inspection of QM equipment for the evaluation confirmation of their results, record of the data and keeping them
Assessment, selection and keeping of inspection handling agency
Management, order and inspection of the documents for external inspection
Planning of investment plan(schedule and cost)and its execution
Management, education and training for 3 staff members based on the target of Engineering and Maintenance department

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

지원 자격


위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

게재처Career Cross3년 전

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※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

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