도쿄도에서 IT 엔지니어 구인

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일본어 회화 레벨

N2 이상, 또는 N2 상당의 일본어 능력이 있음.

환영 언어





IT 엔지니어

고용 형태

정사원(중도 채용)


급여는 능력과 경험에 따라 상담 가능

업무 내용

Machine Learning Engineer

・Development of the technical elements necessary for business development using machine learning
・Proposing technical elements that can be used for business development
・Examine how to acquire and create teaching data required for machine learning model development

【DG LAB AI team】
The DG Lab AI team is focused on handling personal data and analyze what applications can be created which
utilize machine learning. We have members from France, Indonesia, China, Morocco, India and Taiwan.
1 CTO, 3 ML engineers, 1 data researcher.
2 persons in charge of AI projects in the Business Innovation department.

・Robot type search engine, blog search engine、E-commerce price comparison(Nedan.com), restaurant search enginer (Tabelog), social media localization support (Twitter・Facebook・LinkedIn), payment platform (Econtext・Veritrans) etc; We offer business solutions that can support modern lifestyles, companies and industries.

《DG LabAn open innovation platform in anticipation of the future generations》
Launch of the research development organization, DG Lab in 2016, prioritizing the following 5 new technologies:「Blockchain」「xR」「AI」「Security」and「BioHealth」.With our research development organization made up of engineers and designers who will lead the world, we are in the midst of developing countless products and conducting experiments.

・IPO - We are going public.

・Can skill up from downstream to upstream
・Multiple senior engineers are currently working at our company
・Utilizing state of the art technology
・Countless options for future career path

・Salary is above average
・Full remote OK・Commuting to company OK(Office is nice)

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

지원 자격

・Business level Japanese(N2)
・Business level English
・Software development in in-house development environment 4-5 years experience using any of Python, Go, Kotlin, Java + 3 years of experinece in data analysis, R&D or researcher
・Knowledge of source code management such as GitHub
・Someone with a business development mind
・Working experience in a private company
・Working experience in Japan
・Working experience in the field of Machine Learning
・Someone who have not repeatedly changed jobs in 1-2 years
・Someone who can write logic

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

환영 조건

・Software / machine learning models development experience using Python ・Knowledge and experience of machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow, Caffe, Torch
・Knowledge and experience in machine learning technologies such as Deep Learning, Regression, Bayesian, Decision Tree, and Clustering
・Knowledge and experience with data platforms such as Big Query and Redshift
・Knowledge and experience of system development platforms such as AWS and Google Cloud Platform
・Statistics knowledge

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

직원 대우・복지

Once a year (March)

Once a year (March)Social insurance
Transportation expenses
Managerial position allowance
Life Plan allowance
Employee stock ownership society
Build‐up savings (財形貯蓄)
Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association
Flu vaccination
Gynecological examination once a year,
Defined contribution pension plan
Short-hours working system for childcare, Congratulatory/condolence money
Re-employment after retirement system
Seminar expenses
Supporter system
Family day
In-house counseling system
Various events (Year-end party, New Year party, cherry-blossom viewing)

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

게재처Jellyfish1년 전

구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

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