교사 구인

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구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

일본어 회화 레벨

N2 이상, 또는 N2 상당의 일본어 능력이 있음.

환영 언어




근무 시간



급여는 능력과 경험에 따라 상담 가능

업무 내용

We are looking for a new full-time preschool teacher who can work on weekdays! We welcome a bright person who has experience in teaching small children.

The monthly salary will be ¥250,000~¥300,000 (depending on your skills).

The position is for 5 days a week, Monday through Friday for an 8-hour shift within the hours of 8 am to 7:00pm with a 1-hour lunch break. The school is located in the quiet residential neighborhood of Nakagawa on the Yokohama municipal subway line. Nakagawa is 1 stop from Azamino so it is easily accessible by the Toyoko line, The Den-en-Toshi line or The Yokohama Municipal Subway.
The teacher will be in charge of The Little Kids' class (3 and 4year olds) with a maximum of 18 students for the whole school year as well as teaching lessons to the after school students. The teacher will be responsible for preparation and performance of lessons that include numbers and counting, letters and phonics, vocabulary, reading, writing and sentence structure. All teachers are considered child care staff as well so general care of students is required.
Japanese N3 listening and speaking level are required as communication with parents is necessary.

위의 문장은 원문(일본어)입니다.

지원 자격

- Native level in English
- Business level in Japanese
-Experience in teaching children
-Working experience at a kindergarten

위의 문장은 원문(일본어)입니다.

직원 대우・복지

- Transportation expenses (In case you use a bus, it will be reimbursed if the distance from your home to the school is more than 1.5km)
- Social insurance
- We can help to renew your working visa

위의 문장은 원문(일본어)입니다.


- Saturday and Sunday
- National holidays
(There is the sports festival on the national holiday once but you can take a compensatory day off)
- New Year's holiday

위의 문장은 원문(일본어)입니다.

게재처Jobs Nippon1년 전

구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

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