야마나시현에서 기타 구인

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  • 관심 구인 저장
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구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

일본어 회화 레벨

N2 이상, 또는 N2 상당의 일본어 능력이 있음.





고용 형태

정사원(중도 채용)


연간 수입 8,000,000 ~ 12,000,000

업무 내용

Establishes Key Performance Indicators on safety, quality & reliability for each of production line under their responsibility. Monitor them daily, when deviation or abnormality occurs, lead Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Preventive Action effort.
Under collaboration with local and overseas stakeholders, extract room for improvements at AMCJ production lines, take a leading role in improving AMCJ performance in Safety/Quality/Reliability aspects.
Creates and updates documentation including learning resources and Standard Operating Procedures for the plant. Provides knowledge transfer to the operators and ensures it is being used.
Take a leading role in MoC, risk analysis (PHA, JHA) effort toward existing equipments or projects.

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

지원 자격


At least 5 years working in chemical manufacturing environment which involves hazardous materials
Small scale project experience (design review, commissioning)
Familiar with management of change and risk assessment tools (e.g. HAZOP)
Experience in handling fine chemicals
Experince in collaborating with overseas stakeholders

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

게재처Career Cross3년 전

구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

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