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IT 엔지니어

고용 형태

정사원(중도 채용)


연간 수입 6,000,000 ~ 12,000,000

업무 내용

Front end engineer of Cashless product

We are looking for a talented full-stack capable frontend developer to join PayPay!
Work closely with the design and backend team to build and develop web applications for our forward thinking products.

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

지원 자격

・At least 3 years of JavaScript development experience for web applications
・Experience in SPA development with Angular or React or Vuejs and Webpack
・Experience in typescript
・Experience in unit/e2e testing implementation in JavaScript
・In-depth understanding in frontend performance optimization
・Ability to design frontend architecture
・Experience with server side programming languages, include but not limited to Java, Python and NodeJs

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

환영 조건

• Experience with iOS/Android native application development
• Knowledge in development process and DevOps
• Contribution to open source projects
• Interest and ability to learn other coding languages as needed

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

직원 대우・복지

• Benefits: Social insurance (health insurance, employee pension, employment insurance and compensation insurance,) defined contribution pension system (TBC) and etc.
• Training Program: We have various training programs for different kinds of needs.

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.


• Days Off: Saturdays and Sundays. National holidays. Year end holidays from December 29th to January 4th.
• Holidays: Annual paid leave, congratulatory or condolence leave, maternity leave, sick/injured child care leave, family care leave and etc.
• Various Allowances: Overtime allowance, late-night work allowance and commuting allowance (maximum of 150,000 yen.)

위의 문장은 원문(영어)입니다.

게재처Global Support Professional3년 전

구인 안내 메일 받아보기

※ 회원등록을 하면, 희망 조건에 맞는 구인정보를 메일로 받아볼 수 있습니다.

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