Food & Beverages (Internship Opportunity) Oaxaca, Mexico




구인 상세


Seize this unique opportunity to work for Selina, one of the world’s fastest-growing lifestyle hospitality brands!

What is Selina?

Our Mission is to inspire authentic and meaningful connections.

Selina was born out of a desire to celebrate the nomadic lifestyle: to experience our planet’s most beautiful places, to build community, to engage with locals and fellow travelers, to work and enjoy new adventures.

Our internal ecosystem consists of Hospitality, Food & Beverage, Tours, Wellness, Education, Construction, Real Estate, CoWorking, Art & Design, Community Outreach, Education, Surf, Sales, Marketing, and Technology.

At Selina, every challenge is a wave desiring to be ridden and since we're all equal before a wave our team is always ready to take them and succeed. But always remember… The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.


We offer a learning development program where you can transform your classroom knowledge and develop your skills throughout all areas in the hospitality industry.

As an F&B Rockstar you will:
• Be able to work in all areas of food and beverages, including the bar, restaurant, and kitchen, you will learn how to make inventories, recipes and calculate costs.
• Prepare tables and serve food and drinks.
• Become a mixology expert, learn trendy techniques of food recipes.
• Develop and support playground activities

Besides the Selina ultimate learning experience... You also receive:
• Free accommodation for the duration of the internship
• F&B (2 meals/day) at Locations
• Full free access to the Selina CoWork spaces.
• Your birthday is time off!
• Cultural events and Wellness activities at Locations
• Voluntary Activities - Selina Gives Back
• Training Sessions 24/7
• No Dress Code & Pet Friendly
• Selina Experience:
• 30% OFF Accommodation
• 25% OFF Friends and Family
• 20% OFF F&B and Retail
• 3 Free Days Accommodation (Dorms) in any Selina
• Certificate of completion

It only takes to be:
• Currently enrolled in the university
• Able to provide a university letter confirming the internship period
• Ready to learn and have fun but more importantly to immerse into a brand-new definition of Hospitality.

This will be unlike any other internship! You’ll have fun, gain incredible experience, and learn constantly.

Are you in

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