Chief Civil Education Officer

Ministry of Homeland Security

Localização do trabalho


Status de emprego

Tempo total

Detalhes sobre a oferta de trabalho

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Malawians, Civil Servants or non-civil servants, as the case may be, depending on the requirements of the post, for the vacancies listed below existing in the Civil Service:


Vac. 43/23

Post: Chief Civil Education Officer (Grade F)

Salary: Within the Grade F salary scale segment

Location: Ministry of Homeland Security


Applicants should be serving Principal Civic Education Officers (Grade G) with a minimum of four (4) years’ experience in that post.

• Developing, Implementing, monitoring and reviewing the communication strategy for the National Registration bureau;
• Providing strategic leadership and direction in the implementation of civic education programmes;
• Ensuring the monitoring of NRIS content on the print and electronic media outlets;
• Engaging journalist in developing stories, feature articles, productions and development of their capacity to report on NRIS issues;
• Participating in media and communication policy formulation, review and monitoring;
• Advising management on trends and media challenges that may impact on the services of NRB:
• Developing and reviewing public feedback mechanism; and
• Any other duties as may be assigned from time to time.


Documentary evidence of major requirements specified in the advertisement shall be required during interviews. Serving officers will also be required to demonstrate during the interviews that they are

permanent and pensionable officers in the Civil Service by producing letters of confirmation in appointment in addition to letters of condition of appointment on probation (PS 19).

Civil Service Commission is an equal opportunity employer: All qualified individuals are welcome to apply. Interested qualified candidates should submit their applications together with copies of relevant Certificates and Curriculum Vitae to:-

The Secretary

Civil Service Commission

P.O. Box 30133



To reach him not later than 14th April, 2023

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