Trabalhos recomendados para você
Empregos no Japão para estrangeiros
Nível de conversação em japonês
N5 ou N5 equivalente habilidade japonesa
Idioma desejado
Local de trabalho
Situação profissional
Empregado contratado
Horário de trabalho
Salário mensal 250,000 ~ 280,000
Descrição do trabalho
We are a diverse educational organization, thriving to support children reach their dreams through education.
With more than 1,700 schools throughout Japan and expanding to the world, we aim to be a general education group that caters to a diverse range of students.
Engaging children using English in a variety of settings.
Creating exciting and fun, purposeful lesson plans, leading activities/classes and providing support to other staff when they lead activities/classes.
Working as a team and communicating to ensure the best possible experience for children, each and every day.
Supporting school management for smooth operation of the school and facilities.
Meeting and greeting fellow staff, sharing goals for the day, providing support and advice for each other as needed.
Texto original (em Inglês)
Qualificações necessárias
◇English native speaker from English-speaking countries(Mother tongue/first language)
◇University degree holder
◇Currently living in Japan
◇Holder of working Visa in Japan
Texto original (em Inglês)
Tratamentos e benefícios
10 paid days of leave per year (after 6 months of employment), in addition to national holidays.
Work-related commuting costs reimbursed.
Social Security & Health Insurance provided.
Texto original (em Inglês)
Five-day work week
Texto original (em Inglês)
Texto original (em Inglês)
Postado por グロービッシュ・キャリア há 5 meses
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