Au Pair job in Waren (Müritz), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania


Localização do trabalho


Status de emprego

Tempo total

Detalhes sobre a oferta de trabalho

Dear Au Pair,

We are an international family of 4, my husband (45), myself (42) and our two daughters (8 and 6 year old). We live in a town of around 21000 inhabitants where my husband owns a pharmacy. I work part-time as a Yoga teacher for children. My husband is away with work a lot so therfore I am alone with the girls and therefore it would be nice to have some help.

My husband is German.

- Job Description
- Help looking after our two daughters in the afternoons and help in the mornings when we all need to get ready for work/school/daycare
- Take the children to school or daycare on occasions
- Help with the housework (e.g. load/unload the dishwasher, tidy up the childrens' rooms, fold childrens' washing).

- Accommodation
Room with bed, wardrobe, small table and mirror. Our house has been completely renovated 1 year ago.

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