Lerry Advision

Embark on a transformative journey through the ancient art of yoga with our Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh. Nestled in the serene foothills of the Himalayas, our program offers an immersive experience guided by seasoned yogis, dedicated to nurturing both body and mind. Dive deep into traditional Hatha and Vinyasa practices, mastering asanas, pranayama, and meditation techniques. Delve into yoga philosophy and anatomy, understanding the profound connection between movement and spirituality. Surrounded by the natural beauty of Rishikesh, find inspiration and inner peace as you cultivate the skills to lead others on their own yogic path. Join us in Rishikesh, where the sacred Ganges flows and the essence of yoga permeates every breath.

Histórico de residência no exterior

United States

1998/09 - Agora

Informação básica

As categorias de interesse

  • Estudo

  • Trabalho

  • Vida

  • Viagem

  • Outros

  • Japonês

  • Cultura

  • Informação mais recente

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