Zero Knowledge Researcher


Расположение работы

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Статус занятости

на постоянной основе

Подробности вакансии

This team is focused on blockchain technology and business, which is a reliable protocol for DeFi consumers. Following these guidelines, we are always creating the best powerful product for the community.

The Role

You Will Be Responsible For
• By adding Zero-Knowledge proof to the blockchain, you will design and put into practice Zero-Knowledge rollups;
• You are aware of the distinctive features of trading systems and grid trading;
• You conduct research and develop fresh zero-knowledge proof techniques to minimize on-chain costs while maintaining performance;
• You maintain engineering teams' knowledge of the most recent Zero-Knowledge Proof studies.

Ideal Profile
• You are proficient in cryptography concepts like homomorphic encryption, threshold signatures, ring signatures, aggregate signatures, secure multi-party computation, and zero-knowledge proof;
• You are proficient in the concepts and applications of zero-knowledge proof algorithms. You have strong proficiency and knowledge in the field of security in cryptography. adept at putting principles into practice and secondary development of widely-used tool libraries;
• You are adept in implementing and optimizing algorithms using C, C++, Rust, and other languages;
• You can clearly explain the most cutting-edge cryptography technology to others and possess great documentation skills.

What's on Offer?
• In-Depth open conversations about the latest developments within Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
• Regular Compensation Review & Bonuses
• Remote work from anywhere

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