Medical Para Professional

1199SEIU Employment Center

Расположение работы

New York, NY, USA

Подробности вакансии


Medical paraprofessionals provide a mixture of basic healthcare services in settings such as hospitals, Ambulatory Care Centers, schools, physician offices, nursing care facilities and patient homes. Medical paraprofessionals often work directly with patients, serving an important role as a provider of care and a collaborator with physicians and nurses. Paraprofessionals perform tasks such as minor first aid and taking blood pressure and temperature. They also frequently work in physical and occupational therapy environments, helping patients navigate exercises and other activities. Most positions include a comprehensive Union benefits package and competitive salaries.

If you are searching for work as a medical paraprofessional, our Employment Service can assist you in obtaining employment in the following job titles:

Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA)

Dietetic Technician

Occupational Therapy Aide

Physical Therapy Aide

Recreational Therapist Aide

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