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Review các dòng son Black Rouge

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+ Black Rouge Mousse Blending Lipsticks

Black Rouge Mousse Blending lipstick design

Inspired by the sweet cotton lollipop, this lipstick is designed in a feminine pastel pink color. The lipstick brand is printed with professional and luxurious holographic printing on the body of the lipstick. The tip of the lipstick is lightly beveled, making it easy to spread lipstick or even lip contours.

Luxurious Black Rouge Mousse Blending lipstick design

This lipstick line consists of 5 colors, denoted from S01- S05. With the main color of lipstick is sweet pink orange suitable for many skin tones.

Black Rouge Mousse Blending is smooth and creamy

The soft, lightweight lipstick is like its name. Thin, lightweight lipstick, smooth finish: no lip grooves. It's a creamy lipstick line, but in terms of adhesion, she is quite perfect. Son will retain color when not eating or drinking for 4-5 hours. And after eating, this baby still floats lightly, but cannot keep the original color. Her toughness is quite good, so the removal of her make-up is not easy. Like other matte lipsticks, this lipstick has the downside of making the lips a bit dry because the moisturizing properties of the lipstick are not high. The scent of the lipstick is as sweet as a cotton candy. So, for those who have a lipstick allergy, they must consider and choose before buying.

+ Black Rouge Air Fit Velvet Tint

Black Rouge Air Fit Velvet Tint version 1


Air Fit Velvet Tint is the most popular Black Rouge lipstick line today. With 2 versions released, we have a total of 12 colors from A01- A12. The first version, featuring a diverse and trendy color palette. Orange-red tones combine with earthy brown to create a color palette of 7 trendy A01- A07 colors. This design is square into sharp edges, the plastic body holds quite firmly. The lid is red, while the plastic body is coated with lipstick clearly printed on the inside.

Smart design of Son Black Rouge Air Fit Velvet Tint

The lipstick of the Air Fit Velvet Tint line is somewhat thicker and more spongy than the Mousse Blending line. This baby is much stronger than the other types, so if you do not want to reveal your lips, you need to apply many times. The ability to keep the color is quite amazing, without eating or drinking you can keep the color for up to 6, 7 hours. And when you eat and drink, this baby will not drift much color either!

Color Palette Son Black Rouge Air Fit Velvet Tint version 1

Version 2 is called Air Fit Velvet Tint Mood Filter. Still keeping the same design in shape as version 1. But this baby has a fancy purple lipstick cap.

Black Rouge Air Fit Velvet Tint version 2 with a different purple lid

This child is highly appreciated by many high-end lipstick cosmetic review sites. This baby is described as a softer lipstick than the old version, higher toughness and not uncomfortable to the lips. The tone of this version is deeper, updating this year's trend. The A08- A12 lipstick colors are stylish and trendy. Taking the bass tone as the main theme, all 5 lip colors are really excellent.

Black Rouge Air Fit Velvet Tint version 2

+ Black Rouge Cotton Lip Color

The shell design and packaging of the lipstick line is very cute. No longer square as sharp as the velvet lip tint line. She has a round body, lip color printed lipstick cap; White body accentuates the brand name In hologram.

Black Rouge Cotton Lip Color has a feminine, sweet design

 Compared to other lines, this baby is thinner and lighter as its "cotton" name. The 5-color lipstick board from T01-T05 is very much and this and that. This child is thin, does not have high toughness; But when he does not eat or drink, he stays stained until 5 o'clock. The scent of lipstick is quite diverse, helping customers to choose the right lip smell for themselves. So if to answer is the Black Rouge lipstick good? Then this line you can trust to have. The lipstick and the scent combine with the trendy lipstick colors, this is nothing more than a sweet chocolate bar.

+ Black Rouge Rose Velvet Lipstick

As the premium Black Rouge lipstick line, this lipstick is as popular as the cream lipstick line. With sweet pastel pink tones and small design, round pillars. The overall lipstick cover all wears a light pink color, very feminine.

Black Rouge Rose Velvet Lipstick is lovely, cute

Just like the name velvet, the lipstick glides on, is velvety soft. The palette is simple, but also very personal. She will not be as tough as the cream lipstick. If you do not eat or drink, you can keep the color for 3-4 hours; And when I eat, this child will almost float away. This scent is almost completely absent, so those with lipstick allergy won't have to worry anymore.

General reviews of Black Rouge lipstick

True to the motto that premium lipstick company Black Rouge has launched. The lipsticks of this brand are extremely affordable. With the price of all lipsticks in the range of 200,000-300,000 VND, this is a very good lipstick. With strengths and advantages, this is a fake level that you cannot help but love. Suitable for all types of customers, including students.

Above is the review of how well the Black Rouge lipstick is used through the four popular lipstick lines today, Reviewmypham.vn hope you have a better understanding of this brand of lipstick. Hope you have your pocket, the lip colors can suit you. Wish you are always happy and beautiful!

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