Sewer II (10)

Mamlaka ya Majisafi na Usafi wa Mazingira Korogwe (KOROWASA)

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i.To attend and report all water leakage.

ii.To attend and report water loss, distribution faults and recommend necessary action.

iii.To connect water supply to customers as scheduled.

iv.To attend and report unauthorized water connections.

v.To attend and report sewerage pipe faults to responsible officers.

vi.To carry out water disconnections of debtors and reconnections after payment.

vii.To maintain proper records of water connections/ disconnections/ reconnections carried out.

viii.To attend and report water pipe bursts.

ix.To prepare data for periodical reports to the supervisor.

x.To attend and report contamination of water distribution system by customer’s service lines.

xi.To develop individual performance objectives, targets and standards in consultation with the immediate superior as part of

xii.To performance agreement.

xiii. To perform any other duties as may be assigned by the Superviso

Holders of National Form IV Certificate with Trade Test Grade II /level II/Certificate in one of the following fields; Plumbing and Pipe Fitting, Pump Mechanical, Water Engineering from a recognized Institution.

TGS A. 1

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