Social Media Community Manager at Genie Intel

Genie Intel






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• Location: Ghana
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• Job type: Full-Time
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Job Description

Summary: Overall responsibilities are social media community management as well as supporting with creating content for and managing client social media pages and digital campaign.

Community Management
• Utilize a variety of software to schedule and monitor text, visual and/or audio content on client social media pages
• Leverage client FAQs to respond to enquiries or liaise with client CS team to respond
• Interact with social media audience to increase organic engagement
• Monitor and report on feedback, online reviews and sentiment analysis
• Organize and participate in events to build community and boost brand awareness

Content Creation
• Develop written content for client social media on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram etc.
• Understand the nuances of each social media platform and what works on each, based on use case and best practices
• Manage ephemeral content like stories and lives on client social media pages in real-time
• Be up to date on current affairs, news, trends and pop-culture, which feed content creation

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