Class Teacher, Firth Primary School

Orkney Islands Council







Firth Primary School

Class Teacher

14 hours per week, 0.4 FTE
Temporary for a period up to 18 August 2024

Firth Primary School is committed to providing a safe, nurturing and supportive learning environment for all. We strive to equip our children with the necessary skills for learning, skills for life and skills for work in the 21st Century. As an inclusive school our vision is to learn to be our best together. Our ethos is based on a Ready, Respectful, Safe provision and we promote our values through this. We place our learners at the centre and strive to ensure that all children achieve their highest potential.

There is a strong sense of teamwork and staff are given opportunities to lead developments from our School Improvement Plan. Staff regularly self-evaluate, reflect and make action plans to drive forward improvement. Children are consulted through pupil focus groups to improve the pupil voice within all areas of the curriculum and school community.

In our schools in Orkney, it is our mission to make positive meaningful changes in the lives of young people. We aim to provide an exceptional learning and working environment for pupils and staff and work in partnership with parents, support staff and other professionals.

Applicants should be enthusiastic, caring, a good communicator and show a commitment to improving the quality of learning and teaching.

To apply for this post, applicants must be registered, or in the process of registering, with the General Teaching Council for Scotland.

This post is subject to membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme in respect of regulated work with children.

The salary is based on the Main Grade SNCT Salary Scale plus a Distant Islands Allowance.

For a discussion about the post, or any further information, please contact: Mrs Emma Jane Rendall, Linked Head Teacher, tel: 01856 761 212, email

Closing Date: Sunday 2 April 2023

Please note that interview and relocation expenses will be paid for this post, in accordance with Council policy

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