Ever wonder what the fashion was like in ancient Japan? Artist Rin Nadeshico has captured the beautiful outfits and trends of the Edo Period in Japan with her incredibly detailed drawings - and she's even created an encyclopedia for it!
最近は日本服飾史を研究するのが趣味です。江戸時代の浮世絵ファッションが好き。#作品を載せて自分の作品を知ってもらおう pic.twitter.com/waCdmHMALI
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) December 20, 2022
Nadeshico Rin is a manga artist and illustrator from Chiba Prefecture. She has been working as an artist for over ten years. Her love of the Edo Period, Japanese art, kabuki and history have influenced her work over the years.
She currently has 21,000 followers on Twitter alone!
She's drawn so many different outfits from the Edo Period (1603 - 1868) that she's compiled their artwork into several different books, one of them being the お江戸ファッション図鑑 O-edo Fashion Encyclopedia.
今年もあとわずか…2021年はあっという間のようで色々ありました。書籍『お江戸ファッション図鑑』出版も今年の1月のことで、本当に本当に嬉しい出来事でした😊マール社様どうもありがとうございます✨#2021年自分が選ぶ今年の4枚 pic.twitter.com/r0rHIgPFrB
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) December 31, 2021
The book introduces various people you would find during the era, and what you would usually find them wearing. The pictures include different details about their outfits, what tools they might have on them, and what situation they’d be wearing this outfit.
Original Tweet
Take for example these two young people. Rin details and explains the hairstyles, the significance of each part of their outfit such as the sleeves and colors, and how this would have been seen and worn during the mid-Edo Period and by whom.
The details make each outfit distinct and special.
She even provides further details about the kimono.
For example, you can see this page explaining different types of sleeves.
袖についての覚え書き。 pic.twitter.com/Y9THNkTmYy
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) September 7, 2022
Most Japanese people may be familiar with one or two of these, but not to this detail, so there's a lot to be learned by all!
You can find this incredible encyclopedia on Amazon.
It’s even been translated into Chinese (traditional)!
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) September 13, 2022
日本語でも難解な江戸服飾の専門用語を、中国語に翻訳するのは大変だったのではないでしょうか…😂💦感謝です✨ pic.twitter.com/MLiNthVNp5
You can buy it here.
Other Works
Rin Nadeshico has also released O-edo Style Books.
コミティア新刊『お江戸スタイルブックvol.3』浮世絵で見つけた美男美女のオシャレファッション図鑑第三弾です。今回は特典アリ。62ページA5サイズ、オールカラー。1部1000円。どうぞよろしくお願いします! pic.twitter.com/RhvymRKNaF
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) May 25, 2021
She also does individual pieces like this for galleries:
揚輝荘が織りなす和色の世界(10/2~11/21) 展示作品1
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) September 30, 2021
「桃色綾地几帳に団扇模様振袖 × 聴松閣」
#揚輝荘 #KIMONO pic.twitter.com/YX7LxjwszT
As well as collaborations with kimono exhibitions:
描きおろしのコラボイラスト、使っていただいております😊本当に恐縮しまくりですが感謝感謝です!!!!どうもありがとうございます!!!!!!! pic.twitter.com/zZxAdvphhP
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) October 29, 2021
She's also released a book specifically focused on the accessories of the time.
【冬コミ新刊のお知らせ】おもに江戸時代にあった日本の装身具(アクセサリー)をご紹介したオールカラーのイラスト本です。「お江戸アクセサリー図鑑」価格:600円 A5サイズ、全34ページ#お江戸アクセサリー図鑑 pic.twitter.com/NuaFrIaDYS
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) December 24, 2021
For example, you can learn about the different kinds of combs used during the Edo Period.
櫛の種類いろいろ。#お江戸アクセサリー図鑑 pic.twitter.com/CQot6VX0o5
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) December 5, 2021
And for a different taste, here’s an series featuring high school girls playing the guitar painted in the Ukiyoe style (name of Edo Period artwork depicting everyday life).
浮世絵×ギター×女子高生シリーズ pic.twitter.com/8jxeZKs3b6
— 撫子凛🖊新刊執筆中 (@nadeshicorin) August 10, 2021
You can find all of her artwork on Twitter and her homepage.
And remember to get their Edo Fashion Encyclopedia on Amazon!
Photos provided courtesy of Rin Nadeshico on Twitter