The Technical Intern Programme and Ikusei Shuro System in Japan


The Technical Intern Training Programme, 技能実習 (Ginou Jisshu), in Japan is a government initiative aimed at transferring skills, technology and knowledge from Japan to developing countries. It will be replaced by the Ikusei Shuro, 育成就労 (Ikusei Shuro) System in the future. 

First Published: 2021-05-12
Updated: 2024-08-16

Table of Contents

  1. What is the Technical Intern Training Programme in Japan?
  2. Latest Development: Technical Intern to be Replaced with Ikusei-Shuro System
  3. What is the Ikusei-Shuro (Training Work) System?
  4. Job Types Eligible for Ikusei Shuro System
  5. Some Job Types Will Become Ineligible 
  6. Find Specific Skills Jobs in Japan with LGS

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What is the Technical Intern Training Programme in Japan?

technical intern japan

The Technical Intern Training Programme, 技能実習 (Ginou Jisshu), in Japan is a government initiative aimed at transferring skills, technology and knowledge from Japan to developing countries. This program allows individuals from these countries to come to Japan for a fixed period, usually ranging from 1 to 5 years, to work and gain experience in various industries such as manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and healthcare.

Technical Intern Participation Data and Statistics

Technical interns are one of the largest categories of status of residence (visa type) held in Japan. 

As of the end of 2023, there are a total of 3,410,992 foreign residents in Japan. Among which, 404,556 held the status of residence of “Technical Intern”, the second largest category after “Permanent Residency” which had 891,569 people. 

※ Immigration Services Agency, “令和5年末現在における在留外国人数について” [2024.03.22]

The majority of technical interns come from the following 5 countries:

  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • The Philippines
  • China
  • Cambodia
※ MHLW, “技能実習制度適正化に向けた調査研究事業 報告書概要版” [2024.06] 

Eligibility and Application Process

Participants are usually recruited by sending organizations in their home countries, which are partnered with receiving organizations in Japan. Candidates must meet specific criteria, including age, education, and sometimes language proficiency, depending on the industry.

Post-Programmme Opportunities

After completing the program, many participants return to their home countries to utilize their newly acquired skills. However, some may seek to extend their stay in Japan through other visa programs or employment opportunities.

According to the Organization for Technical Intern Training (OTIT)’s “Follow-up Survey of Technical Intern Trainees After Returning to Home Countries”, 92% of respondents answered that what they learnt through the training programme was useful. This included technical skills acquired, workplace discipline, and experience living in Japan. 

It was revealed in the survey that among the 31,271 technical interns who participated in the survey, 14.4% (or 4,495 respondents) did not return to their home countries. As for the employment status of those who returned to their home countries, 

  • 17.0% are employed and working
  • 5.9% are scheduled to start work
  • 10.7% started a business
※ OTIT, “令和4年度技能実習制度に関する調査” [2023.09.01] 

Latest Development: Technical Intern to be Replaced with Ikusei-Shuro System

technical intern to become ikusei-shuro

The Japanese government has announced plans to replace the existing Technical Intern Training Programme with a new system called the Ikusei-Shuro System (育成就労制度). The Technical Intern Training Programme was launched with the aim of international contribution by transferring Japanese skills and technology to foreign nationals from developing countries. 

However, in reality, technical intern trainees were used to supplement the lacking labour force with the system operating differently from its philosophy. In addition, frequent cases of technical intern trainees disappearing, low wages and harassment at work were also becoming social issues. 

In light of the situation, the final report of a panel of experts was submitted to the government on November 30, 2023 calling for changes to be made. Sometime in 2024, it was decided that the Technical Intern Training Programme would be abolished and replaced with a new development and employment programme. 

What is the Ikusei-Shuro (Training Work) System?

what is the new ikusei shuro system

The purpose of the Ikusei-Shuro System (育成就労制度) is to develop and secure human resources. Compared to the Technical Intern Training Programme which was for international contribution, the content of the Ikusei-Shuro System is more in line with the current situation.

Transition to Specified Skilled System is a Given

The Ikusei-Shuro System is planned to be operated on the premise that foreign workers will transition to become a Specified Skilled Worker over a 3 years training period, in which they will be trained until they have sufficient skills to the level of SSW (i). 

What is a Specified Skilled Worker?
The “Specified Skilled Worker (特定技能, Tokutei Ginou)” is a category of status of residence (visa type) granted to foreign workers in specif industries. Specific industries are sectors in Japan that are particularly suffering from labour shortages. If foreign nationals pass a skills proficiency test and obtain the “Specified Skilled Worker” status of residence, they can engage in a wide range of work, including simple labour.

specified skilled worker (ssw) visa information

For more information about Specified Skilled Worker (SSW), read our dedicated article here

Period of Stay is Fixed

The period of stay for the Technical Intern Training Programme varies from 1 to 5 years depending on which category. However, the period of stay for the Ikusei-Shuro System is to be a fixed period of 3 years. During these 3 years, foreign nationals are required to improve their Japanese language ability, specific skills and knowledge, etc. to the level of SSW (i). 

Permitted to Change Jobs

Under the Technical Intern Training Programme, changing jobs is generally not permitted. However, under the Ikusei-Shuro System, it seems that foreign workers will be allowed to change jobs provided certain conditions are met. Such as, “has worked at the same workplace for at least 1 year” and “has passed the basic level of skills proficiency test and a Japanese language proficiency test equivalent to A1 or higher”. 

For foreign nationals, this has the advantage of giving them more freedom to choose their workplace and makes it easier to work in Japan. 

Ability to Work Long-Term

Since the Ikusei-Shuro System is premised on the transition to SSW, there is a high possibility of working long-term. For those planning to reside long-term in Japan, this is a great benefit. Once a foreign national has completed the 3 year training period and transitioned to SSW (i), they can work and stay in Japan for up to 5 years. If they transition to SSW (ii) after completing SSW (i), there will be no limit to visa renewals, which essentially means unlimited period of stay. In addition, SSW (ii) holders are also eligible for permanent residency status provided they satisfy certain conditions. 

Job Types Eligible for Ikusei-Shuro System

ssw and ikusei-shuro job types

The types of jobs available under the Ikusei-Shuro System are planned to be the same as those under the Specified Skilled Worker System. As such, there is a chance that some jobs available under the Technical Intern Training Programme will no longer be available. 

As of August 2024, there are 12 specific industries under the Specified Skilled Worker System:

  1. Nursing Care
  2. Building Cleaning Management
  3. Machine Parts and Tooling / Industrial Machinery / Electric / Electronic Information
  4. Construction
  5. Shipbuilding and Ship Machinery
  6. Automobile Repair and Maintenance
  7. Aviation
  8. Accommodation
  9. Agriculture
  10. Fishery and Aquaculture
  11. Manufacture of Food and Beverages
  12. Food Service

Companies that fall into the above specific industry categories will be able to accept foreign workers under the Ikusei-Shuro System. Additionally, it has been announced that an additional 4 new specific industries will be added:

  1. Automobile Transportation Industry (自動車運送業, Jidousha Unsougyou): taxi drivers, bus drivers, truck drivers, etc.
  2. Railway (鉄道, Tetsudou): train drivers and conductors, station staff, vehicle/tracks/electrical system maintenance, etc.
  3. Lumber Industry (木材産業, Mokuzai Sangyou)
  4. Forestry (林業, Ringyou)

Some Job Types Will Become Ineligible

Even if a job type is available under the Technical Intern Training Programme, it may not be available under the Ikusei-Shuro System. This is because the Specified Skilled Worker System was established after the Technical Intern Training Programme, and there are many cases where the job type does not fit in. If the job type is not under the Specified Skilled Worker System, or if the workplace’s industrial classification does not match the specific industry, then foreign nationals cannot be accepted under the Ikusei-Shuro System.

Here is a list of industries that can accept technical intern trainees. 


  • Crops Cultivation
  • Livestock Farming (excluding cattle farming for beef)


  • Fishing Boats (catching fish, squid, etc.)
  • Aquaculture


  • Well Drilling
  • Architectural Sheet Metal
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Installation
  • Building Materials Production
  • Architectural Carpenter
  • Formwork Construction
  • Reinforcement Bar Construction
  • Scaffolding
  • Stone Construction
  • Tiling
  • Roof Tiling
  • Plastering
  • Piping
  • Thermal Insulation Construction
  • Interior Finishing Works
  • Window Frame installation
  • Waterproofing
  • Concrete Pumping 
  • Well Point construction
  • Mounting
  • Construction Machinery Installation
  • Furnace Construction

Food Manufacturing

  • Canned Food Sealing
  • Poultry Processing
  • Cooked Seafood Processing
  • Uncooked Seafood Processing
  • Fish Paste Product Processing
  • Beef and Pork Processing
  • Ham, Sausage and Bacon Processing
  • Bread-making
  • Vegetable Processing
  • Pickled Agriculture Product Processing
  • Food Production for Medical and Welfare Facilities

Textile and Clothing

  • Spinning
  • Weaving
  • Dyeing
  • Knitwear
  • Warp Knit Fabric
  • Women’s and Children’s Clothing 
  • Men’s Clothing
  • Underwear
  • Bedding
  • Carpet
  • Canvas Product
  • Fabric Sewing
  • Seat Sewing

Machinery and Metal

  • Casting
  • Forging
  • Die Casting
  • Machining
  • Metal Press Processing
  • Ironworks
  • Factory Sheet Metal
  • Plating
  • Aluminum Anodising
  • Finishing
  • Mechanical Inspection
  • Machine Maintenance
  • Electronics Assembly
  • Electrical Equipment Assembly
  • Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing


  • Furniture Manufacturing
  • Printing
  • Bookbinding
  • Plastic Molding
  • Reinforced Plastic Molding
  • Coating
  • Welding
  • Industrial Packaging
  • Paper Container and Cardboard Manufacturing
  • Ceramic Industrial Product Manufacturing
  • Automobile Maintenance
  • Building Cleaning
  • Nursing Care
  • Linen Supply
  • Concrete Product Manufacturing
  • Accommodation
  • PRF Manufacturing
  • Rubber Product Manufacturing
  • Railway Facility Maintenance and Repair

Find Specific Skills Jobs in Japan with LGS

Leverages Global Support is a career support service that introduces jobs that require specific skills to specified skilled workers.

We also help with all the procedures required for employment and job changes, such as change of status of residence (visa type) and interview practice. If you have any problems after starting work, please feel free to contact us as well. 

If you would like to know more about specified skilled workers and specific skills, please read this article, or contact a career advisor

Recommended For

  • Specified Skilled Workers who are thinking about changing jobs
  • Technical Interns who want to switch to becoming a Specified Skilled Worker (You can try working in a new industry even with no experience!)
  • International Students who have graduated from a Japanese school but are having trouble finding a job

How to Use Leverages Global Support

Ask for Job Recommendations

A career advisor will support you with your job search based on your desires. If you would like to be introduced to a specific skill job, feel free to send us a message using the link below. 

Mention “WeXpatsを見た” at the beginning of your message, and our staff will respond promptly. 


※ A Facebook account is required. Responses will be in Japanese.

Browse Jobs Yourself

You can search for the perfect job by specifying your Japanese level, occupation, work location, etc. We have many jobs available not only for Specified Skilled Workers, but also for Engineer / Specialist in Humanities / International Services. 


※ You can register from outside Japan, but only those living in Japan can apply for jobs.


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