Visit One of the Sacred Landmarks in Japan, Matsumoto Castle


Have you ever heard of Crow Castle? It’s a name given to Matsumoto Castle for its black outer appearance, rare among the castles in Japan. Matsumoto Castle is one of the great castles of Japan, one of the oldest, and one that’s designated as a National Treasure. 

Table of Contents

  1. About Matsumoto Castle - Oldest National Treasure
  2. Architecture and landscapes of Matsumoto Castle
  3. What to do around the castle
  4. Matsumoto Castle Access and Fees
  5. Summary

About Matsumoto Castle - Oldest National Treasure

Japan alone is said to have had roughly 25,000 castles that were built in its history- including the no longer existing castles. Out of 200 castles still existing around Japan, Matsumoto Castle is one of the 12 castles with the original keep. It is also the oldest surviving and existing five-story castle in Japan that is recognized as a National Treasure - and there’s only 5 of them! It is said to have been built in the late 1500s, making it over 400 years old. The castle preserved its original exterior designs despite the various renovations that have taken place. But what is perhaps its biggest legacy is that people fought to preserve the castle during the Meiji Restoration instead of taking it down after castles were deemed unnecessary for the new era in Japan. So thanks to the efforts of those earnest people, the castle has been preserved for over 100 years since the decision to keep it.

※ Matsumoto Castle, National Treasure of Japan, "Value of Matsumoto Castle"

The Castle as the Fortress

Before the construction of Matsumoto Castle, there were numerous castles built around the area. Among the 16 or so castles, Hayashi Castle and Fukashi Castle were big ones. You can see the remains of Hayashi Castle today, although not much of it is left. Fukashi Castle is is said to have become Matsumoto Castle. Not much is known about the original Fukashi Castle.

Matsumoto Castle was originally built as a fortress during the Warring States Period in the late 16th century when there was great political and military conflict, with many fighting for power and territory. The castle has a hidden floor that makes it a six-floor castle but only five floors visibly outside - a common tactic for many castles. The hidden floor served as a hiding place for soldiers during the war and a place where they stored their food and necessities for battle.

Architecture and landscapes of Matsumoto Castle

The Matsumoto Castle towers over the surrounding area with its contrasting black and white exterior. You may wonder about these colors' meaning because many Japanese castles are celebrated for their beautiful white exterior. So what is the meaning behind the black and white colors? They designed the castle in such colors to convey power and to frighten the attackers with the unique formidable color of the fortress.

The castle was built on flat ground, making it stand out against the surrounding mountains in the distance. Like many castles built for war, it has small windows that were initially designed for archers and gunmens during the war as well as for dropping heavy stones from overhead when enemies attempted to invade the castle.

The castle was built of stone and wood. The castle's interior design was made more of wood, including the steep and narrow wooden stairs inside that people will need to go through to visit the higher floors of the castle.

Taikomon (Drum gate) and Kurumon (Black gate) are two of the main gates. Taikomon is one of the outer gates, while Kuromon is the inner gate at the entrance to the castle itself. Another key feature is the Tsukimi Tower (literally moon-viewing tower) from which people could enjoy - you guessed it - viewing the moon. It’s a contrast to the image of the war-ready fortress.

On the other side of the castle from Taikomon, you can also see a beautiful red bridge leading to the castle. (At the time of writing, the bridge is closed due to construction but when construction is done, you can also take the bridge to enter the castle.) You can see the ethereal view of the castle reflected on the clear water of the moat from the castle grounds.

Matsumoto Legends

Matsumoto Castle has many fun stories behind its impressive architecture and construction. You can read about them at the official castle website, but we’ll highlight 3 of our favorites. 

The legend of the tilting castle is a story of the ten thousand farmers who made demands to lower the annual tax. Not only were some sentenced to death but the signed agreement was rescinded. During the crucifixion of Kasuke Tada, he was filled with resentment upon hearing the news at the officials going back on their agreement. He gazed at the castle with his furious eyes, and the castle tilted to the west. The actual culprit? A rotten beam.

Moreover, the legend of the carpenter that elongated the beam is a story behind the mysterious master carpenter that didn't help the workers at first with the castle construction. When it came time to raise the castle's beam, they were found to be too short, but this carpenter miraculously lengthened them to the perfect size. The secret? Cotter pins that connect pieces of wood.

Lastly, the legend of the secret passage in Matsumoto Castle is a story of a secret passage on the first floor of the castle that is said to be a passage connecting the inside and the outside of the castle. However, during the reconstruction in the Showa era, they found out that the secret passage they believed for a long time was not actually a secret passage but a hole that used to hold a beam supporting the base.

※Matsumoto Castle, ”The Legend of Matsumoto Castle

These stories show the application of mystery and the supernatural to what are actual explainable events - not a unique aspect of storytelling to Japan. 

What to do around the castle

You can do more than just sightseeing at Matsumoto Castle; you can experience different activities such as dressing up as ninja and samurai. The castle holds Japanese Taiko Drumming in summer, a Soba Noodle Event in fall, and an Ice-Sculpture Festival in winter. And one of the seasonal favorites is the cherry blossoms during April.

Take a Walk at Nakamachi Street

If you are looking for a place to stroll around, Nakamachi Street, located south of the castle, is a great spot with its variety of historic shops which are also black and white like the castle. Here you can try different cuisines in restaurants, drink hot tea and coffee and buy various Japanese handmade crafts.

You can visit three well-known shops and landmarks in Nakami Street; Kurassic-Kan, a multi-purpose structure made out of an old sake brewery now used for various events and as a cafe; The Matsumoto Scale Museum, a former shop with various weights and scales to browse inside of a beautiful building;and Shinmeigu Shrine, a legendary shrine that people from Matsumoto believed to be a home of their deity that guards the Nakamachi Street.

Matsumoto Castle Access and Fees

Visiting Matsumoto Castle is very affordable. For adults, it costs 700 yen, and for elementary to high school students, it only costs 300 yen with no expenses for kids in pre-school and below. But be reminded that the admission fee varies if you visit the castle in a group.




8:30- 17:00

(Last entry 16:30)


8:00- 18:00

(Last entry 17:30)

You can't visit the castle during December 29-31 because it’s closed for the end of the year, and will have varied hours for January 1 - 3.

And the castle is only 15 minutes on foot from Matsumoto Station. 

※Matsumoto Castle, National Treasure of Japan, "Viewing Guide"


Matsumoto Castle represents significant historical events that happened in Japan including its preservation. Further, it became a tourist spot that displays the rich culture and history of the country. If you are in the area and/or you love castles and would like to see a well-preserved one in Japan, it’s definitely worth a visit.


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