Grant Manager _Nutrition







Job Description:
• Coordinate and supervise the implementation of project as per the approved budgets, scope & timeline;
• Ensure that all recruited staff are trained and oriented on project approaches and activities, reporting tools & documentation;
• Provide on job mentoring and coaching for project staff for a timely implementation of project activities;
• Provide adequate coordination and support of planned studies (baseline and project evaluation surveys) and supervise the M&E staff in close collaboration with other external partners;
• Monitor the use of business process implementation of maternal and child nutrition enhancement project to ensure that the program is aligned with WV, donor and other relevant standards;
• Participate in the institutional learning initiatives, and provide technical leadership and coordination for the establishment of efficient information systems;
• Establish strategic networks/partnerships at local, national and regional levels with public and private institutions, research institutions, civil society organizations and other key stakeholders, to promote synergy and complementarily in the project implementation;
• Organize and facilitate quarterly project coordination meetings at province level and participate in the national coordination and project learning forums;
• Consolidate quarterly, annual and final project reports;
• Represent WVB in provincial, national and international meetings, workshops and nutrition forums

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