Sales Development Representative BeNeLux & Nordics







Who are we
Founded in 2017, Lokalise is a cloud-based translation management system that helps businesses streamline their localization processes. It provides a platform for managing translations of software, websites, mobile apps, and other digital content. Overall, Lokalise helps businesses improve their time-to-market, increase translation quality, and reduce costs associated with localization.
We are looking for a Sales Development Representative for the Benelux-Nordics-Baltics region, who will help prospects to see how Lokalise can increase their productivity, bring down costs and shorten time to market.
As a Sales Development Representative, you will:
• Search for potential customers and approach them by running multiple prospecting campaigns
• Work with existing ideal customer profiles (ICP) as well as later, when you are more familiar with Lokalise, coming up with your own ideas on who our customers might be
• Use our numerous warm email templates and, again, come with your own innovative processes
• Communicate with prospects via email, phone calls, and LinkedIn.
• Perform qualification calls and book assessment & evaluation calls for Account Executives
• Manage your activities using the CRM
• Learn, leverage, and help to improve our demand-generation and sales processes.
• Work together with the team to look for improvements and develop new approaches

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