Compiling Data in Senegal







Poste proposé : Compiling Data in Senegal

Looking for a great way to earn extra cash while you are at home? Help improve AI technology through data collection.
What exactly is Data Collection Job?
As a data collector, you enter information into a database and ensure that your data collection sources are accurate. Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on variables of interest, in an established systematic fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions and evaluate outcomes.
The goal of this project is to tap into the collective intelligence of the public at large. This project allows researchers to collect large amounts of interesting data points from a wide variety of individuals and allows people who like annotation work the opportunity to participate in a variety of tasks. The results of tasks will be used in a wide variety of applications - data annotation, multimedia, sentiment analysis, and search engine result evaluation.

Profil recherché pour le poste : Compiling Data in Senegal

Project Requirements:
• Computer with Microsoft Vista, Windows 7, and above operating system
• 3 to 5 years of residency in Senegal

Windows live ID
What to expect when you register:
• Create an Appen Account
• Choose French (Senegal) as your primary language
• Complete your profile and project registration (5 min)

Study the provided guidelines (at your own pace)
Agree to confidentiality and ways of working rules
Don’t miss the chance to earn extra income working from the comfort of your own home. This is a great opportunity for you and your friends!
• Work from home with flexible hours
• You can work on our projects around your other jobs
Critères de l'annonce pour le poste : Compiling Data in Senegal Métier : Informatique, nouvelles technologiesMarketing, communicationMétiers des services Secteur d´activité : Informatique, SSII, InternetIntérim, recrutement Type de contrat : CDI - CDD Région : Dakar - Diourbel - Fatick - Kaffrine - Kaolack - Kédougou - Kolda - Louga - Matam - Saint-Louis - Sédhiou - Tambacounda - Thiès - Ziguinchor Niveau d'expérience : Débutant < 2 ans Niveau d'études : Qualification avant bac Nombre de poste(s) : 8 Soyez vigilant ! N'envoyez pas d'argent à un employeur potentiel. Ne versez aucune somme d'argent en échange d'un contrat de travail potentiel ou pour suivre une formation préalable à l'embauche.
Merci de signaler toute irrégularité en utilisant le formulaire de contact candidat et en sélectionnant l'objet "Signaler une annonce d'emploi

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